Tuesday, February 24, 2009

What's your Muse?

Mine. Music. Whatever mood I'm in, I can find something to relate to.
Songs, Lyrics. Why do some make you laugh, smile, cry or bring back
They touch our heart, reach our souls. They're the feelings that we
can't put into words... But yet, someone else has been where you are,
right at that moment where you stand. They've put those feelings into words for us.
Better yet. Lyrics. Music.

Lately one of those artists who puts those words into someting wonderfully expressive for us is Bart Millard from Mercy me. This one review can sum it up...

Bart Millard could be the best song writer out there today. He is so genuine in his love for the Lord that it warms my heart to see that there IS still good music out there that you wouldn't be embarassed to have your children listen to.

So... to the layout. This happened to be playing on the radio as I turned it on. Which was very fitting for that exact moment. Mmmm. Oddly , a song from Mercy Me was the last thing I heard on the radio coming home from a meeting at work last night too. My mind racing with recent family events. Anyway, I've been meaning to do something with these pictures I've taken across the street. It was an early foggy morning. eerry and beautiful at the same time. So, I put the words to " Bring the Rain" and the photo together. Real quick.

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